A Dangerous Method

Wednesday April 25th, 2012

I’m completely fascinated by Human behavior. Psychology has always stood as an option when I was applying to college. I really enjoy reading about psychoanalysis. I have a bunch of books about it and I think our mind is a truly rich object of study. I play therapist with my friends and they play it with me. I think I’m pretty advanced… My intuition also helps a lot… So I joke I can read eyes… Like, figuring people out through the look in their eyes. I swear I’m pretty good at that!

So of course a movie that portrays the relationship between Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung was on top of my priorities list. Mine and Fê Vasconcellos’,who’s as curious as I am… She’s been pretty deep into existentialism lately. So we both get to exchange books and discuss for hours… Amazing!

We went to see A DANGEROUS METHOD, by David Cronenberg. I have to admit I’ve never been a big fan of his movies… Always lots of insanity, awkward sexuality, scatology… It never got to me. But seeing him talkabout Jung, Freud and the psychoanalytic methods they proposed was a no-brainer!

It’s a (pretty) harsh movie. Inspired by historical facts, it shows the relationship between the master and his pupil when Jung was still young, at 29, and Freud considered him to be his successor. The guy who was supposed to keep his theories and researches running. And, right in the beginning, he sees Sabina (played by the gorgeous Keira Knightley), a patient who struggles with hysteria, to use her as a subject to Freud’s psychoanalytic methods.

Then what does Jung do next? Gets involved with the patient. Which was the last straw for the theoretical, scientific and procedural differences between both men. After that… Well, you’ll have to watch it!

Now if you’re not very into psychoanalysis, not a tiny bit curious about the subject, I guess you could skip it. There were some people leaving the room before the end. So I say it again: it’s a dense, intense, harsh film! For the lovers of the subject, such as me and Fê, just take a deep breath and go for it, because it makes for some pretty good considerations… We talked exhaustively… So many sentences that sticked to our minds!

That’s it…

That’s how our happy holiday went!

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