Top 10 things to do * Rome

Thursday June 14th, 2012

I owe you a Top 10 Rome, don’t I? I stayed there for so long that it would not be fair to let it go unnoticed.

So there you go… My best Rome for you guys!

By far the place that touched me the most… I saw it for the first time through the taxi window. Almost passed out. I asked the driver if they get used to it or keep getting touched as I did. He said it’s a regular thing for them. No emotions. You just get used to it. I don’t know if I would though… There’s so much history, so much significance, so much beauty… I was just mesmerized.

I went back a few times. It’s really worth it to go there by night, when it’s lightened and without a thousand people around. Share some wine sitting on the curb and just contemplate the surroundings! 🙂

W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! It’s behind the colosseum. So visit both on the same day. It’s a gigantic outdoor area, where the center of Rome’s political, legal, religious and commercial life used to be in ancient times. The Arch of Titus (the Roman Arch of Triumph) is beautiful. You should just wander around the space and just go nuts about everything that place has seen. I just couldn’t stop thinking about how all that has been there for over 2000 years. Those people used to walk on those exact same little streets where I was. It was awesome. A must go! 

Think of a stupidly beautiful thing. Did you think? Well, you probably didn’t get close to the awe caused by this fountain. It’s the largest (about 26 meters high and 20 meters wide) fountain in Italy. So, so beautiful… Beautiful on a level that makes you stop in front of it and take a few minutes to absorb it all…

Rome has thousand of fountains, from the suburbs to the center, but Fontana di Trevi is a mandatory stop. Have a coin in your hand, make a wish and throw it with you back facing the fountain. I really followed those steps, see?

Let’s wait and see if it comes true… 

This is also a good place to visit at night… It’s incredibly beautiful, all lightened… So romantic!

The “house of all gods”, as the name goes, used to be a temple to worship all the pagan gods of Rome’s ancient times, and later became a Catholic basilica. One of the most impressive constructions of the Roman Empire, and the best preserved monument nowadays. It’s so beautiful, so large, so strong… Loved it!

Packed with tourists, it’s one of the most famous squares in Rome. It’s where the Brazilian Embassy is located, and has another beautiful fountain, Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi. You can find several restaurants with tables outside and street artists trying desperately to make some money drawing caricatures. Very touristy, but a pleasant time.

Mandatory activity, right? I have to say that I wasn’t as touched as I thought I would be. But it’s a must go anyway! I walked through the entire place. I even went up the 550 steps until the dome to see Rome from the top. And, for the record, I almost passed away. I wanted to cry in the middle of all those steps. Me, Jada and Caio, the three of us. In fact, all of us had our calves hurting like hell the next day. It was tough. The view is great and all, but it’s really exhausting.

When you leave the Vatican, a good thing to do is cross the river until Castel Sant’Angelo, a castle/fortress, so beautiful to see and photograph.

Altare della Patria, at Piazza Venezia, is a huge, beautiful monument, erected to celebrate the Italian unification, since 150 years ago the country used to be a piece of land divided into autonomous kingdoms and regions.

From there, I took Via del Corso (full of shops!), which leads to Piazza del Popolo, stopping at the infamous Spanish Steps. A really nice thing to do on your way is to watch the sun go down at Villa Borghese.

Want to have drinks and watch beautiful people? Go to Ponte Milvio. It’s an area full of bars, lots of tables on the sidewalks, music playing…

Now if you prefer a cooler spot (and less beautiful people!) choose between Monti and Pigneto, two very Roman neighborhoods filled with art around the streets and interesting types!

The most beautiful sunset I’ve seen (so far!) in the entire trip, and one of the most amazing views of Rome from the top. A good idea is to go up there with a bottle of wine in your hands around dusk… Sunset watching is a must. So special… On the way up you go through another fountain I loved (Fontana Paola). More and more pictures…

Perfect spot to have an aperitivo followed by a nice dinner. For the aperitivo, go for Via della Pace (which, by the way, is gorgeous, like a movie setting!), where you’ll find Bar della Pace and Bar del Fico. Just pick one and go for it!

For dinner, if you feel like having some pizza, try “Pizzeria Montecarlo“, one of the best in Rome (according to my Roman friend Jada!), and, if you’re craving an actual meal, “Da Francesco” offers the best Roman food! Good food and beautiful people! Fantastic!

That’s it! That was my Rome, in really good company…

Just wander around… 

The deal is to go for it and discover every tiny corner of the city. Just walk aimlessly. Photograph. Search. Be curious! That’s how I like it! That’s the way I travel… So good!

Be right back with our top 10 London! I’m still experiencing it so I can tell all about it afterwards. What I can say so far is that the first impressions were the best possible… I guess London is going to be the one town able to compete with nyc as my favorite… Everything here is so me!

Now I’m leaving, since time here is precious!

I’ll wait for your comments about my Rome!

See you soon!

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