All The Poetry In The World

Tuesday August 6th, 2013

I’ve been planning on talking about Leminski for a while now… And I keep putting it off. But the time has come!

I got Toda Poesia as a gift from a very special friend, who read it and gave it to me. He said it would do me some good… That he felt like the author was talking to me in some of his writings (yes, this friend knows me pretty well!)… And he couldn’t have been more right. What a special gift this was…

The book is called Toda Poesia (all poetry). It’s a compilation of all the published poetry work (hence the name) by our Curitiban author. It’s all there. All assembled in one book! What a dream…

I’m a sucker for our poets… Clarice, Caio Fernando Abreu and Leminski are my trinity of love… I can spend days reading their pieces. So it’s an easy – and delightful – read to me!

I devoured the book in two days. Then I reread it bit by bit. And still these days, when I have some time in my hands or when I’m looking for a cute instagram caption, or even just to brighten my day, I open it at a random page and see what Leminski has to tell me!

That’s a good idea for those who don’t feel like reading the book from beginning to end. Since there’s no chronological order, it’s not a novel, biography or any other beginning, middle and end narratives, you can just read it by bits. Tasting it. No strings attached. Read a verse today. Another one tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll get into it… Something there will get to you.   

That’s my tip for my readers who are bookworms like me…

Blowing you away with inspiration! With love… Color… And…

And Leminski!

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